Biomass Heating System
Project Completed: 2014 | Location: Walkington
Biomass Heating System
Installed by Leighton’s a complete Biomass and plant room installation at the rear of the property. The customer was originally heating the home with two large oil boilers and consuming a large amount of oil. The requested project was to reduce energy costs and take advantage of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) with RHI 7-year payments, and energy savings, this complete biomass installation has a 4 Year Pay Back.
We installed a combined boiler plant room and 6 tonne pellet storage modular building at the rear of the property, installed 90m of underground distribution piping to connect with the property heating system. 2x 36Kw Grant Spira boilers was installed to provide heating for the property and swimming pool. The controls was updated to include a 3 zone heating circuit with fully modulating PAW pump sets and a NEST thermostat allowing the customer to control the heating system by his mobile phone or tablet remotely when away from the property.